Specialty Massage

Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi Massage: Lomi-Lomi is a unique healing massage derived from the ancient Polynesians and master healers of Hawaii. Your massage therapist uses continuous, flowing strokes. Doing this allows you to relax your entire being, promoting harmony and releasing blocked energy.
Available in 60 minute and 90 minute durations.
Offered at $110 for 60 Minutes
Offered at $135 for 90 Minutes

PreNatal Massage: A special treatment for you and your special little one. Every therapist is specially trained to help reduce stress and bring balance and relaxation to you during this magical time. Available in a 60 minute duration.
Offered at $95 for 60 Minutes 

SABAI Herbal Ball Massage: Bring the sense of balance and equilibrium to the body, mind, and spirit and experience “Sabai”. The herbal ball includes Lemon grass, Turmeric, Prai, Kaffir Lime, Camphor and Tamarind. Anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties that soothe and heal and draw out toxins. Available in a 90 minute duration.
Offered at $165 for 90 Minutes

Zen Hot Stone Body Massage: A unique therapy that blends traditional therapeutic massage techniques with heat from warm river rocks. By integrating the energy of the four elements—earth, air, water and fire, we are able to provide a distinctive form of full body balancing. Available in 60 minute and 90 minute durations.
Offered at $135 for 60 Minutes
Offered at $165 for 90 Minutes 

*The Spa Central Coast is always offering exciting new services; please call our front desk to see what new treatments we have to offer.

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