Watch host Robert Parks-Valletta visit The Spa Central Coast on CBS2 Los Angeles’ This is LA earlier this month!
01 Dec 2020
Updated COVID-19 Protocol
The holiday season is among us, and while we could all use some holiday cheer, we must remain vigilant and cautious with the effects of COVID-19 still prominent in our daily lives. With that being said, we have updated our intake form and have changed some protocols in the spa.
We will no longer be giving foot soaks before treatments. While they are an amazing way to get our clients grounded and ready for treatments, we feel that as long as SLO county remains in the purple tier we should not offer them.
We have also added the following new questions to our intake form. To best protect your health and the health of others, all spa clients must fill out this form before each massage and bodywork session.
Intake Form Addendum
1. Have you been tested for COVID-19? If yes, what type of test did you have? When was your test? What were your results?
2. Have you traveled outside of your county within the past two weeks? If so, have you quarantined or got a COVID-19 Test?
3. Have you been in groups of 10 or more within the last two weeks?
4. Have you been in any area with a high infection rate within the last two weeks?
5. Please check if you are experiencing any of the following as a NEW PATTERN since the beginning of the pandemic: Fever; Diarrhea, digestive upset; Sudden onset of muscle soreness; Chills; Nasal, sinus congestion; Rash or skin lesions; Cough; Fatigue (especially on the feet); Sore throat; Shortness of breath.
6. Are you immunocompromised?
7. Do you have any new discomfort with exertion or exercise?
8. Has anyone who you live with or are around often experienced any symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19?
We ask that all information provided is true and accurate. We want to keep all of our clients and employees safe. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call (805) 591-7157. Thank you for understanding. We look forward to seeing you.